Imagining a Future Beyond Plastics

Illuminated Mycelium

––––––––––––––––––––Part 4 of 4 in our Plastic Free July series––––––––––––––––––––   Closeup of mycelium. 📷: Christian Scheckhuber, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons When plastics first emerged, they promised to usher in a new era of abundance and convenience. The look and feel of plastics was so new and unusual that it became emblematic of human scientific achievement, and […]

Celebrating a New Landmark 

Bert Swersey Silos

It’s not every day you get to unveil a new landmark. But that’s just what we did with our sister company MyForest Foods, and the brand new Swersey Silos. These big, beautiful green towers will provide feedstock for the vast new vertical AirMycelium farm right next door, the largest of its kind. Every year, Swersey […]